Research |news
Read about the latest research and news related to cyber security
Flight satellite and navigation system security
Flight Communication – Navigation system hacks
Flight Communication - Navigation system hacks In our last article over In-flight entertainment system we talked about In-flight entertainment system...
How to hide secret messages in music files?
How to hide secret messages in music files? There are many reasons to hide information but the most common one...
port scaning
How to scan whole Internet 3.7 billion IP addresses in few minutes?
How to scan whole Internet 3.7 billion IP addresses in few minutes? Cyber security audit and ethical hacking training professionals...
election hacking and interferance
How to influence the electoral processes and hack government elections?
How to influence the electoral processes and hack government elections? We all know that media and information technologies play an...
How can hacker hack into Nuclear Reactors isolated networks?
How can hacker hack into Nuclear Reactors isolated networks? Critical infrastructures like Oilrigs and nuclear reactors have a sophisticated level...
In-flight entertainment system
In-flight Entertainment System Security
In-flight Entertainment System Security In our series of articles we will be focusing on airline security, In-flight entertainment security and...
In-flight entertainment system
In-flight entertainment system reset and crash
In-flight entertainment system reset and crash In our last article over In-flight entertainment systems we talked over In-flight entertainment system...
Flight satellite and navigation system security
Flight satellite and navigation system security
Flight satellite and navigation system security In our last article over satellite navigation and satellite communication equipment, we discussed over...